
‘DEBBIE’ 20MIN AMRAP 300M ROW 1 ROUND OF DT WHICH IS: 12 DEADLIFTS 9 HANG POWER CLEANS 6 PUSH JERKS 300M ROW 2 ROUNDS OF DT 300M ROW 3 ROUNDS OF DT Increasing DT by 1 extra round after each 300m row until the 20mins is up. For all Weight and Movement requirements please refer to...

‘BOB’ FOR TIME TIME CAP: 12MINS 40 THRUSTERS 30 TOES TO BAR (TTB) 20 CHEST TO BAR (C2B) 10 BAR MUSCLE UPS (BMU) 40 THRUSTERS For all Weight and Movement requirements please refer to the scorecard DOWNLOAD SCORE CARD...

‘BRIAN’ 5MINS (4 ROUNDS) 20MINS TOTAL TIME PART A: 10 Bench Press 20 (Russian) KB Swings 30 Wall Balls PART B: Remaining time in that 5min block you are to find your 5RM Bench Press For all Weight and Movement requirements please refer to the scorecard DOWNLOAD SCORE CARD...

‘ANTONIO’ FOR TIME 7 ROUNDS 30 Double Under/60 Single Skips 3 Snatch (any) 3 Bar Facing Burpees For all Weight and Movement Requirements please refer to the Score Card DOWNLOAD SCORE CARD...